Tuesday, May 19, 2009


I do love baking. It takes a lot of time and I don't love that about it, but I love creating something wonderful from ingredients. I am interested in the process of turning basic things like flour, yeast, and water into something really outstanding. And tasty. I also think I have a knack for it so that's a bonus. I ordered some new bread-baking books from Amazon last month and have been poring over them. I'm ready to take my baking to the next level.

All that being said, today I'm going to a class about baking artisan bread in 5 minutes a day. The idea is that you start with a no-knead dough that is stored in the refrigerator and you can cut off whatever is needed for your baking that day - loaves of bread, rolls, pizza crust, etc.

I have to say, I'm skeptical. I haven't had a lot of luck with no-knead recipes in the past; the recipes I've tried called themselves "batter bread" and the texture was way off - more like banana bread.

I'll let you know how it turns out. I'm excited to learn a new baking technique. And if I actually do get some really beautiful AND delicious loaves in 5 minutes a day, my family may never eat store-bought bread again.


  1. Terrific! I always wanted to do sourdough--and do it regularly and well. I did pretty well with yeast, but the sourdough always eluded me. Maybe you can find out something about that, too.

  2. you have always made the best homemade bread stuffs around! I dont have that talent - yeast does not like me, and wont raise! Same thing with Jello - cant make that stuff work either!! :o)
