Which is not to say that my heart isn't breaking over letting go of my seminary teacher position.
(One of my Little Friend's little buddies opposed me during the sustaining. It was quite hilarious - I'm sure his mom didn't see it. I only saw it because I was up on the stand. Because yesterday I also gave a talk in sacrament meeting. Oh, and I also gave out the end-of-the-school-year seminary awards in sacrament meeting. It was sort of like the AmyDubDub show at church yesterday. My Little Friend apparently got tired of it all. He's mentioned once or twice that my talk was really long.)
Anyway, I will hopefully learn to love the women like I've grown to love the seminary students, but I'm not quite ready to take "seminary teacher" out of my blog profile. It's been a part of my identity for a long, long time. Years, in fact.
Maybe I'll do it later. Like tomorrow. Or maybe next week.
You'll be the most awesome RS lady ever!