- Answer the phone
- Deal with whatever it is
- Answer the phone
- Deal with it
- Wonder "What am I supposed to be learning in this experience?"
- Answer the phone
- Deal
- Remember that I've left some vital thing undone
- Let the machine answer the phone
- Write down the vital thing in hopes that I won't forget it again
- Answer the phone
- Lose the scrap of paper with the vital thing written on it
- Deal
- Search for the 1000 lost scraps of paper containing vital information and reminders of things left undone
- Vow to become more organized, thrifty, and mature
- Realize that one of the lessons I'm learning is to use my free will on purpose, more purposefully
- Wonder what in the world we are going to have for dinner
- Go to bed knowing that it will all happen again tomorrow
Did you notice that BLOG is not on the list of my new life?
You must be popular! I hardly ever have anyone call me.