Sunday, August 23, 2009

feeling bummed

Feeling sorry. Left out. Left behind. Forgotten.

We went to the Seminary Open House tonight. I'm not teaching this year. And it's the Book of Mormon year which is the best one! And I'm not going to be a part of it! Sob, weep, wail, and cry!

I'm also not getting up at 4 am tomorrow. Which is a small consolation, it's true.

I will miss so much seeing those kids every day and having those relationships. They are so awesome and so fun. I'm positively green with envy over the opportunities that are available to the new seminary teachers. I hope they'll appreciate what a gift they've been given with this responsibility.

I resolve to see my own opportunities within the Relief Society the same way.

But it's going to be hard because let's face it - the ladies aren't nearly as much fun as the youth!


  1. My favorite position in the church was working in Relief Society music. I found it wonderful to spend a few hours with the ladies each week--then it was on Tuesday AM.

  2. Ive started a new blog hope you guys like it
