It's not that they have the best table manners. It's that there is something infinitely satisfying in setting meat, vegetables, bread, and milk in front of my babies. Feeding my kids brings me joy. I'm grateful that we are able to provide for them.
To say that Jake is a picky eater is to put it mildly. There are only a handful of foods at any given time that he will eat. I'm happy to tell you that macaroni and cheese is back on the list of acceptable foods. Here he is at lunch yesterday putting away some mac 'n' cheese:
Jake has developed a taste for tilapia. He says that tilapia just might be his new favorite animal.
Did you know that where tilapia have been either deliberately or accidentally introduced to an ecosystem they've become problematic and invasive? I think that one way of solving this predicament is to eat more tilapia. Eat as many as you can. Feed them to your family and friends. Tomorrow I will post a delicious recipe using tilapia so that you too can start eating these troublemakers.
Hey, I like to do my part to solve the world's problems.
Eat, Jake, Eat! Mac n cheese is soooooo yummy.