Thursday, May 28, 2009

poll time

What if you had a growing pile of cast-off items sitting in the corner of your bedroom? (Suppose for just a minute here that you can't sleep and you feel sort of twitchy when there's a lot of clutter around.)
We're talking about outgrown kids' clothes, kitchen gadgets and small appliances, books, toys, and other various items of little real value but perhaps moderate price?

Would you:

a.) load it all up into your car and drop it off at the Goodwill as soon as possible, thereby losing any possible profit on your unwanted stuff but not having to mess with or look at the pile anymore?

b.) sort, fold, organize and haul it all out to your driveway for a yard sale as soon as there is a Saturday with both nice weather and nothing else on the calendar?

c.) just start sleeping in your kid's room?


  1. I would do "A". I hate having garage sales!

  2. I would do BCAM or Goodwill. I hate having garage sales too, and it's too hot. But if you do have a garage sale, I might have some more stuff for you. heh heh

  3. Another option is ebay - it's work, but not all out in the heat, and you get better prices than a garage sale would. The downside is you have to have boxes, you have to deal with each item individually, and you go to the post office quite often.

  4. My vote is for FREECYCLE! It's awesome. I freecycle everything. Just google it and see if there's a group in your area... all you have to do is post your items. People who could use them email you and you get to pick who gets it. I always feel a little bit like Santa when I email them back. Then, I put the stuff on my porch and they come and pick it up. Easy Sneezy.

  5. When I have a bunch of stuff, I have a sale. The last one I made about 100 bucks. But after moving earlier this month, I just took it to my closest Goodwill.

    I like Jennie's idea of Freecycle. I have looked on there several times for camping gear and found some good stuff.

  6. As I gather it up, I put it in trashbags on my front porch--could be in the garage--wherever--and when the Habitat for Humanity, Disabled Vets, the Blind (I always wonder how they find my house), or any other group that calls wanting me to donate goods to them--whenever any of the charities call, I tell them I have something. Then I label the bags however they tell me to, and whamo--my junk disappears!

    It's magical, and I highly recommend it.
