Tuesday, July 28, 2009

what's on your mind?

Me? Nothing. Mr. Dub comes home from work every day for the past week wanting to know when I'm going to write my blog. He says he wants to know what I'm thinking about. I tell him to just ask and I'll let him know but he wants to read it.

Here are the things I've done or thought about today:

  • went to Walmart. Our nearby Walmart bugs me. I mean, really bugs me. They don't have everything a normal Walmart has, so I end up going on some huge hassle-y trip to get what I need and want. Bah.
  • made muffins for breakfast because we were out of milk. (Obviously this happened before the Walmart trip.) Had to use some leftover half-and-half.
  • thought about half-and-half. Why does it have an expiration date that lasts at least a month longer than regular milk? Does it really stay good that long?
  • I misspelled the word "wondrous" the other day on my blog. I had spelled it "wonderous". It's a good thing that spellcheck caught it for me but now neither way looks spelled properly to me.
  • Does that ever happen to you? When you aren't sure you've spelled a word correctly so you look it up in the dictionary, but then the correct way looks wrong too?
  • Once I start having spelling problems I also start second-guessing my grammar and punctuation.
  • I feel functionally illiterate sometimes.
  • This blog is driving me nutzo lately. I think I may have run out of things to say. But then people, not just Mr. Dub, will ask me why I haven't put up anything new that day. It's a lot of pressure.
  • I feel pre-menstrual and peri-menopausal at the same time lately. Don't mess with me.
  • Seriously, don't. It's for your own good that I tell you this.
  • I feel bored and overwhelmed at the same time. How can that be?

What's on your mind today?


  1. I was think about most of those things, too.

  2. Farm Town isn't working for me.
    That's what is occupying most of my brain today.
    Yes... the word spelled wrong thing... had that happen just the other day with a short normal word (can't remember what it was) and it bothered me that it didn't seem like it was a real word and didn't seem like it oughta be spelled that way, even though I knew perfectly well that it was normal and correctly spelled.
    I think you should write about Farm Town tomorrow. Or bleach pens. Or McDonald's happy meal toys. Or, if we are meant to live on this earth, why is it too hot to live? Or Spongebob... that's one funny little dude.

  3. That's why I dont build up any expectations of writing on my blog with any sort of regularity.

  4. Oh my goodness, Amy...your last 3 bullet points could have easliy come from me! I feel the same way - especially today!

  5. I have been thinking a lot about food. What else is new?

  6. Bored and overwhelmed---that's exactly how i've been feeling. How contradictory. So, how do we fix it, or does it ever get "fixed"?
