Sunday, February 8, 2009

Survey Says...

it's time for a poll!

There is something going around here. Two people in my family have had it and lots of people I know have been sick or have sick family members. It's the kind of thing that lasts about a week, involves a fever, sore throat, headache, and finishes up with a cough.

The last time I was sick I had bronchitis. Last September. It wasn't a particularly serious case of bronchitis; antibiotics, when I finally got them, cleared it right up in a few days. But it triggered a series of events that I'm still trying to recover from. More on that another day.

Today's question: what did you have the last time you were sick?

Please don't gross me out. Just a simple diagnosis is all I'm looking for here. I promise to have lots of sympathy for you even without my knowing all the gory details.


  1. I don't remember being "sick"--like with a virus or bacterial infection. The last time I was laid up in bed was in August after my stomach surgery.

  2. Gall bladder surgery, but I wasn't sick.

  3. I had a cold. It sucked for a week.

  4. My boy is sick right now with what you described... fever, sore throat, cough. I had a mild cold or something just a few weeks ago... it lasted only a couple of days.
    I believe in zinc + vitamin C.

  5. one month - double ear infections - 3 rounds of antibiotics and two rounds of steroids. Double ICK!!

  6. Ryan and I both had it "coming out of both ends" for 3-4 days a few weeks ago. It sucked.

  7. We've all had what you described making the rounds through the house for the past 2 weeks. Jason had it bad enough to have to get an antibiotic shot last weekend and just barely started feeling better.
