Sunday, February 15, 2009

Survey Says...'s time for a poll!

Do you wash your face before you go to bed?

OR do you wash your face earlier in the evening? Like when you get home from work or something.

OR do you not wash your face at night?

I always wash my face right before I go to bed each night. I live in a hot and sweaty climate in a big city (so there's air pollution too) so I always have accumulated some grime on my face during the day.

I also wear makeup practically every day. I don't like to sleep in it's kind of gross. It feels awful to wake up in the morning with yesterday's makeup smeared all over. I would have to wash it off the very first thing in the morning before I did anything else. And the only days I don't wear makeup are days that I am too sick to leave the house. Which is its own kind of crud all over my face.

I don't want to get that stuff all over my pillowcase during the night. Because then I'd have to change my pillowcase every morning. Which means I'd be doing laundry a lot more often. Because there is no way that I'm laying my head down on a pillow that has smeary old makeup and other grimy crud on it.

You know, I've just realized I spend a lot of time and effort to avoid GROSS. Some of you who know me very well maybe have realized that about me. But I have a very sensitive gag reflex. It's easily triggered. And it goes from gag to vomit lickety-split.

It just seems a lot easier to wash my face before I go to bed.

1 comment:

  1. If I was there, I'd put my foot on you for good measure.
