Thursday, June 25, 2009

beautiful day

Last September we brought everything that normally lives outside into the garage because of the approaching hurricane. Things like flower pots, the kids' bikes, hoses, sprinklers, window screens, basically anything and everything that could become airborne in high winds.

Then I got sick, then I had a few broken ribs, and lots of time passed and the things in the garage stayed there. Then because it was kind of chaotic in there anyway, the garage became a sort of dumping ground for other items.

Last week the time finally came to clear it all out. I did a lot of sorting, tossing, donating, and cleaning. There were dead june bugs and live daddy long leg spiders with all their webs everywhere.

Now it's all swept clean and tidy. As soon as I finish painting the bathroom and I'm able to put all my painting gear away, I'll be able to park the van in the garage.

That makes me very happy!

The day I spent cleaning the garage was a beautiful one. Blue, blue sky with lots of cottony white clouds. This was the view from my driveway.


  1. 2nd paragraph typo because/became. :o)
    grammar police

    wow, you picked a heckuva hot day to clean the garage! When I came out of school the car's thermometer said 105 degrees, and only got down to 104 by the time we got home. It's too hot.
    I hope you have a beautiful perfect day tomorrow!!!

  2. Thank you, Officer Gabby. : )
    I didn't clean the garage today - I'm sure I wrote that I did it last week...and it was only in the upper 90's last week.

  3. Oh yeah... somehow I missed that... I guess I was still reeling from the idea that you made a typo. lol
